Despite the pandemic conditions, two representatives of Club of Volunteers belonging to Zavod Voluntariat managed to meet and discuss arrangements of the project DIY - competence incubator. Among Polish members we have a former EVS volunteer from Spain, who decided to settle down in Poland. Similar story can tell Maria, Slovakian teacher who moved to Slovenia after her Erasmus+ exchange. After 6 years from then, Maria, with fluent knowledge of slovene language is joining group of Slovenians within the DIY project.
Maria and Eva will be responsible for preparing a youth exchange in Slovenia, where together with leaders from Poland will host 14 young people from both countries.
Eva and Maria were discussing the program of the first meeting for coordinators which is going to take place in Poland.
In a few weeks, when girls will come back from the meeting in Łódź, they will share more details about the next steps of the project.
Competence Incubator by Eva and Maria